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Ce l’avete presente? Quell’immensa esposizione di bigodini di ogni forma e colore che si staglia sulla parete della nostra boutique di prodotti per capelli preferita, dico. No?

A noi donne ricce e afro i bigodini possono sembrare strumenti inutili, funzionali a creare dei boccoli che noi abbiamo la fortuna di avere già per natura: non avremmo mai pensato che potessero rientrare tra i nostri più preziosi alleati! Utilizzati, infatti, subito dopo il lavaggio, impediscono ai nostri ricci di annodarsi durante l’asciugatura e rendono la loro forma naturale più morbida e naturalmente definita: per ottenere il migliore dei risultati, applica i bigodini subito dopo aver spazzolato i capelli, spruzza un po’ di lacca finché sono ancora umidi e lasciali asciugare all’aria – daranno il meglio della loro forma naturale, e manterranno la piega che vuoi tu.

Regola generale: più grandi sono i bigodini, più morbido sarà l’effetto ottenuto. L’unico accorgimento davvero importante è prestare attenzione ad arrotolare tutte le ciocche con la stessa tensione, in modo da evitare uno spiacevole styling “a zone”, in cui ogni ciocca è diversa dall’altra – stando sempre attente a non piegare bruscamente le punte, in modo da non rischiare che si indeboliscano o si spezzino.



Autumn has come, bringing new projects, new colours and and a wonderful cuddle-at-home mood: the perfect time for you to take care of your curls! Discover our advice about how to restructure and reinforce them and to give them back their natural shine.

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2021: the revenge of curly hair

2021: the revenge of curly hair

It's not long 2021 has started, but hair trends definitely leave no room for doubt. And guess what? Wavy and curly hair is the undisputed star!

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Our secrets for the perfect refresh: forget bad hair days

Our secrets for the perfect refresh: forget bad hair days

Your daily styling always feels like a battle? Don't worry: you need just a few small tips to definitively forget bad hair days! Find out what our experts recommend.

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Silk-looking shiny curls: our advice for you to get them

Silk-looking shiny curls: our advice for you to get them

Those silk-looking shiny and soft curls you had when you had just walked out of the salon: still you dream them at night, don't you? Let us tell you a secret: getting them at home is not only possible, but you just need to put into action a few simple tricks! Find out what our experts recommend.

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How to choose the perfect brush for your curls

How to choose the perfect brush for your curls

We know that: detangling your curls has always been a nightmare for you. But what if we told you that to solve all your problems you only have to choose the right hair brush? Discover our experts advice!

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More strong and shiny curls: discover all secrets of aloe vera

More strong and shiny curls: discover all secrets of aloe vera

Did you know that aloe vera has been used for haircare and skincare since the Ancient Egypt? And even now it is considered one of the most beneficial plants, both for hair and skin: find out all its properties!

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