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Get to know your hair type with the Andre Walker method

Get to know your hair type with the Andre Walker method

The Andre Walker Hair Typing System is the best way to explain all different hair textures, in order to find out which are the best products we should use to get the most out of our hair care routine (also paying attention to our curls specific porosity).


Type 1 - The first hair type (Type 1) of this system is the straight hair type. Its textures can be identified by three categories: 1A, 1B and 1C. The first one, 1A, defines thin and delicate hair. 1B is a half-way type, and identifies slightly thicker hair. The third texture, 1C, is thick. This last one is usually the most shiny one, since skin oils can easily reach hair tips.


Type 2 - This category includes wavy hair types. Usually, this hair texture can vary from thin to thick and frizzy. 2A type is characterised by delicate "S"-shaped waves, not really defined nor voluminous. 2B type has more defined waves, that get tighter toward the tips. 2C type usually has fully voluminous and perfectly defined "S" waves.


Type 3 - This is the curly hair category. 3A curls are defined as "round S" and are usually more likely to get frizzy and lose definition. 3B texture is tighter and is usually thicker and more voluminous.


Type 4 - Type 4 is our last category, and if it sounds familiar to you it means you have kinky or afro hair. This hair type varies from spiral curls with "Z"-shaped edges and, as well as type 3, features two different textures: 4A and 4B. 4A type has tight spirals and a perfectly defined "S" shape, and might often feature thin texture, high density but also high brittleness. 4B category is characterised by a "Z" structure, whose curls look less defined. This curl type is really brittle. Both 4A and 4B types may suffer shrinkage.

courtesy of andrewalkerhair.com






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